The Liquid Blog

While the accusations against Senate candidate Roy Moore (R, AL) and Senator Bob Menendez (D, NJ) couldn’t be more different, the fallout from both present clear examples of our election system failing democracy.

With Moore, voters going into the ballot box next month may be forced to vote for an apparent pedophile or a Democrat they strongly disagree with on many substantive policy issues.

With Menendez, a possibly corrupt politician may be unseated and replaced by an appointee chosen by an unpopular Republican governor. This appointee would also likely disagree with voters on many issues.

Most voters agree that the crimes both men have been accused of, if true, should disqualify them from public office. At the same time, both men also more closely represent their constituents’ positions than the current alternative.

Given how close the Senate is, whoever holds these seats for the next few years will be a deciding vote on key issues affecting hundreds of millions of people.

And the majority of voters in AL or NJ seem to have no real say in who those Senators will be.

While these are extreme examples, it is hardly uncommon for Americans to feel like they have no good choice in politicians. This stems from how few potential candidates have a real chance at winning elections, which only gets worse as our population grows.

But there’s now a better way to choose our representatives.

Liquid US, using liquid democracy, allows voters to choose anyone they trust as one of several personal representatives in Congress. Contrast that with our current system where we choose from a narrow pool of candidates to find one person to represent millions on every single bill.

This is possible today, without passing a single constitutional amendment or law.

With liquid, every voter can vote directly on any bill. Whenever a voter chooses not to vote, one of their representatives casts the vote on their behalf. Since voters can override their representative’s vote, this allows voters to defer to experts to handle the day-to-day process of legislating while still retaining final say.

Best of all, this happens without polarizing elections pitting Americans against Americans over flawed candidates.

We’re building a democracy where every voter has representation they trust. Join us.

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Dallas Cole


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